“Master Trainer” - Package 3

Conscious Solutions Certification as a “Master Trainer” is granted after attending the 8-Day “Master Trainer” (Advanced Trainer Training) training, which means completing all classroom hours and demonstrating all experiential sessions and successfully completing “the Final Presentation” on the last day.
“Corporate Master & NLP Master Trainer” - Package 2

CSC “NLP Master Trainer” - if you have completed NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer Training twice and done at least 15 supervision or internship hours and after a short interview with the Master Trainer.
You are requested to design your own materials, manuals, ppt, agenda and certificates.
“Corporate Master & NLP Master Trainer” - Package 1

Option 1 – CS/SNLP-NLP Master Trainer certification comes after completing “The 9 Points”, see below. Fulfilling the requirements for certification as a “CS & SNLP - NLP Master Trainer” is a process rich in learning that continues after Master Trainer Training. By becoming our Partner Trainer to Train Trainers the process goes faster as you will get all requirements fulfilled in this process and receive all materials.
You will be supported through writing up the projects, receive monthly internships for any queries and help with the assignments. You will also get the chance to be a resource in our CSC/ SNLP Trainer Training (TTs) for no fee and receive the opportunity to co-train the with Dr. Doris for your greatest ease and comfort to gain the ability to train our highest level outstanding 12-Day Trainer Training as a Partner Trainer.
Click here to download the Requirements for Certification
MASTER TRAINER in the Art of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.