NLP Master Practitioner

At the Master Practitioner level, participants have the chance to demonstrate and further download the NLP Practitioner skills, the basic NLP attitude (presuppositions) and NLP’s methodology and concepts.

An NLP Master Practitioner will be empowered to master their states of mind and counter act emotions through pattern detection, recognition as well as behavior modification skills in a way that they become masters of their internal processes and external communication and persuasion.

This NLP advanced training pre-requisite is NLP Practitioner and it is recommended especially to healers, therapists, counsellor and any type of facilitating and coaching.

Curriculum & Content Overview

NLP Master Practitioners build competency in the process of incorporating and demonstrating a growing competency, and finesse in their non-verbal calibration abilities and also accessing and re-producing language skills and NLP change technique in the following global areas:
  • Multi-level tasking, e.g., purposeful multi-level communication, including:
    • Detect the differences between the forms of conscious and unconscious mind communication.
    • Make the distinction between content and the structure of the content
  • Representational Systems:
    • Demonstrate the ability to communicate in all primary sensory modalities.
    • Overlap and translate representational systems
    • Detect and make distinctions between simultaneous and sequential incongruities
  • Combining the various elements of the techniques to design customized interventions.
  • Building and utilizing states of consciousness and physiology that promote flexibility, variability, creativity and mobility in themselves and others.
  • Making conscious shifts in perspective, state and behavior (e.g., resequencing habitual representational system sequences to interrupt and re-direct “unresourceful” states) to keep open opportunities for discovery, creativity and learning for themselves and others in ways that broaden the range of possibility and choice in thinking and behavior.
This NLP Master Practitioner aligns with global standard and the original NLP leaning on SNLP standards and certification conditions - therefore are expected to demonstrate a growing competency in the following specific skill areas that include:
  • Meta Programs:
    • Detect and identify the linguistic markers that presuppose the various Meta Programs, including the Structures of Time.
    • Elicit and utilize Meta Programs, not only as a set of “diagnostic” tools, but also as a pacing and leading tool, motivational tool, and as a information-reorganizing tool in the process of setting well-formed outcomes and making desired changes.
    • In general, utilize Meta Programs and the structures of Time to work together as a system of resources.
  • Advanced skills in framing outcomes:
    • Make the distinction between an outcome and setting a direction.
    • Know the difference between remedial change and generative change.
    • Determine response environments: context-based and content-based, for example, “predicting” the implications of change through time, essential variables for feedback, and appropriately generalizing change.
  • Advanced Language skills:
    • Detect the linguistic distinctions known collectively as “Sleight of Mouth” Patterns.
    • Reframing at different logical levels, using the various "Sleight of Mouth" Patterns, e.g., to weaken/strengthen a belief and redirect the process of generalization.
    • Utilize Counter-Example Strategies, e.g., sort incongruities and conflict and reintegrate inside of larger functional frames in ways that expand the range of what is possible.
    • Use language patterns more precisely and with purpose, e.g., design questions by presupposition.
  • Values and Criteria: elicit, pace, utilize, adjust (if appropriate), and operationalize for the purpose of supporting the process, for example, motivation, setting outcomes, negotiation procedures, conflict resolution, strategies, etc.
  • Advanced Strategies skills: elicit, design/modify and install strategies: learn how to use motivation, convincer, decision, and follow-through strategies inside of other intervention processes.
  • Enhancing and applying Milton Model patterns in a way to be able to induce trance, begin to recognize, induce, and utilize naturally occurring trance phenomena and distinguish “conversational hypnosis”or “wake state” hypnosis from deeper hypnotic states. (upon interest of the student group an additional 3-day program will equip to work with deep trance phenomena.
  • Advanced Sub-Modality Shifting: utilize sub-modality elicitation and shifting skills to include contrastive analysis, belief changes, overcoming a variety of emotions (shame, humiliation, low self-esteem, revenge, regret, guilt). Some of the techniques are called: Forgiveness, Overcoming Grief, Compulsion Blow Out.
  • Strategies: Demonstrate basic strategy elicitation and utilization to counter procrastination, behavioral change, powerfully building a new behaviors.
  • Basic components of successfully overcoming addictions, compulsions and serotonin disorders.
  • Guilt is a multi-layered phenomena that needs to be addressed with several of the NLP Master techniques. The Transforming Guilt Intervention is designed by Dr. Doris and sanctioned by SNLP as the most powerful and innovative process proven to successfully counter all guilt related issues (if practiced).
  • Time Line Re-Imprinting takes a big portion of the NLP Master Practitioner as it serves for successfully overcoming most issues, specifically based on issues that have occurred in the past and are still viewed as if in the present. This technique will cut to the chase to deeper-laying traumas or fears but focuses on building resources and begins with the Future Outcome first. Not only self but also all involved ones can be effectively re-imprinted which means the re-programming is generalized out through all involved one and the environment. It also successfully programs the future.

CSC & SNLP Special Benefits of NLP Content

  • Human Guidelines:NLP Presuppositions with their concepts & beliefs including Framing Outcomes & Setting Directions formulars.
  • Material of thought & emotion: Representational Systems & Sub-Modalities Dawna Markova: Rep-System sequences to optimize learning & motivation.
  • Understand and apply.
  • Communication: Non-verbal and verbal pacing and leading and rapport.
  • Motivation and Behavior Patterns: Meta Programs, The 8 MPs – MP Profiling for hiring and behavioral prediction and change. In-Depth practice and application of language patterns for quick and hard-core profiling. (latest SNLP version).
  • Extensive Language Model Exercises and Practices with Kinaesthetic download versions, Precision (Meta-Model), Hypnotic Language &Persuasion Patterns (Milton Model), Sleight of Mouth (SOM) Traditional and Practical application to change limiting beliefs, Extensive Re-Languaging Practices.
  • Language and Time. The way we use all forms of past and future tense and the differentiation of using simple verb and continuous verb tense can turn around our world of experience. It is a Master Coaches job to automatically program for placing the unresourceful into the past and bring forth the resourceful through the future into the present.
  • Interventions (Anchoring, Swish, Visual Squash, Compelling Futures, the “Kinaesthetic Phobia Cure”, Sub-Modality Shifting: Shame, Humiliation, Grief, Compulsion Blow Out and Forgiveness and Transforming Guilt The Awareness Process – Emotional Clearing Technique.
  • Time-Line Re-imprinting way excelled beyond the works of Robert Dilt and Ted James: Walk on a line kinaesthetically laid out on the floor in form of a “Walking-Trance” which allows the subconscious to come up with deeper-layered fears and traumas that will be right away within one session re-imprinted and changed, fully and totally changes enhanced by hypnotic language patterns in waking state.
  • Strategies: The brain processes in minute sequences. Strategy work uses the TOTE: Test-Operate-Test-Exit pattern to transform any stuck state into success strategies that work. This is the traditional approach of Strategy Knowledge only from the originator of NLP.
  • The Modelling Project known in every NLP Master Practitioner world-wide: Adopt what someone else can do to excel in your chosen area. Our Modelling Projects are helping the student to go way beyond their comfort zone and demonstrate identity changes proven by behavioral demonstration/presentation as part of the NLP Master certification criteria.
  • The 8 Step Coaching Process: Learn how to use the NLP Coaching question process wisely to create highest level of transformation in one session with exactly 8 Steps that are proven and tested and work .
  • The Time Matrix is part of the 8-Step Coaching process and is a form of the “Law of attraction in action” paying the phenomena of time into your hands to project according to time by when you will (CSC copyright only)& the Time Matrix Practice laying out in time .