Corporate Trainer

Curiculum & Content Overview

If you are a trainer and presenter, or if you want to be, with a minimum of NLP basic knowledge you can attend the 12-day “Excel as a Corporate Trainer” and receive an international Corporate Trainer certificate by CSC.

In the 12-Day “Excel as a Corporate Trainer”you will learn how to

  • Teach in accelerated learning styles using multi-sensory learning methods stimulating immediate recall and long-term memorization
  • Speak language for presentation to fluently, no matter what, always making sense
  • Bring outcomes, purpose and potential effectively into action with the innovative Time Matrix
  • Use motivation styles (Meta Program) to predict, respond to and utilize trainee's behaviours.
  • Utilize Exercise Design Excellence discerning pairs, triads or small groups to create desired learning results
  • Enrich story-telling skills to enrich multi-level meaning-making, using the stage, body and Theatre Improv to emotionally engage your audience
  • The knack for successfully transforming and utilizing any difficult audience behaviours and always maintaining rapport
  • Receive multi-level feedback through powerful feedback templates
  • Present through engaging theatre Improve techniques to make learning multi-sensory, engaging and multi-applicable
  • Learn to present in ways that leaves the audience always attentive and at awe creating a multi-level learning relationship with you as the rocking and successful trainer!

Objectives of the 12-Day “Excel as a Corporate & NLP Trainer”

• Preparation: The most important about a good training is the pre-planning. There is a certain way to best organize materials and to lay out the struture of the plan.Learn to apply logic and simplicity to structure your frames, content and exercises in a way you can easily acomplish your training outcomes.Preparing and structuring the content of your material are the magic of your success as a professional trainer.

Learning – The Essential Metaphor For Presentation & Training Results: Learning is only valuable when your student can demonstrate what you have taught.Isn’t it? Imbibe multi-level and multi-structured feedback mechanisms that optimize learning on all levels and at all times and allow you to test and verify the level of understanding in your participants.

Setting Directions: Learn how todesign “Framing Outcomes &Setting Directions”in a way that fouses the particapnts on their own outomes and goals. Increase your ability to differentiate vision, purpose and goals and also process and content outcomes and to apply and teach the same. Grasp the power hidden in the commencement and completion of a training segment.

Looping: Discover ways to begin a presentation or training that directly relate to the closing. Learn how to begin with the end in mind and create the experience of a unified field. Consciously stay on course of your content and what you say at what time to successfully accomplish what you set out to do. Learn to utilize backtracking and linking to a generally desired futuresemphasizing common expereince. Investigate advanced presentation techniques like Nested Loops to optimize engagement and accomplishing delivery results.

Audience Management Regardless of Challenges: Stay composed, create alignment and transform any resistance or obstacles in the training room/or within audience behavior into cooperationregardless of any circumstance or challenge. Optimize teaching and learning outcomes through more consciously and purposefully using the NLP verbal and non-verbal rapport and change methods to train in most effective and memorable ways.

Language Patterns: Your Magic Trick Kit. Sharpen your quick access of the NLP traditional Meta Model and Sleight Of Mouth patterns to further them together with advanced Milton Model patters into linguistic excellence for presentation . Use the hidden magic of language and naturally occurring unconscious learning states to shift doubt or difficulty and enhance persuasion and conviction. Implement an even more powerful influence by consciously using your language ability in a more purposeful and precise way and to meet every audience precisely where they are.

Utilization Of Time - Optimizes Training Delivery & Results: Discover the power of placing the phenomenon of time into your own hands. Learn how consciously utilizing time is the difference that makes the difference in producing a successful training. Explore The Time Matrix to facilitate manifestation of any potential into action. Investigate how The Time Matrix results in avoiding failure and showing measurable training results.

Story-Telling: Optimize and identify expectations. Set the stage for creating states of mind and eliciting emotions. Advance yourlanguage applications for indirect suggestions.Deepen the subconscious and conscious ability to trust and learn. Communicate what you plan to do, emphasize what you are doing, and loop back to what you have done designing and utilizing stories that represent you, the learning content and faciitate the student to experience transformation just by listening to your metaphoric story. A great training day begin and ends with a well-designed meaningful story.

Exercise Design – Make Learning Fun, Easy, & Memorable: Discover how to clearly define the purpose and outcome of an exercise and how to always visually display it in crytal clear ways. Learn to design experiences that offer easy understanding and effective assessment of the participants’ ability to demonstrate the learned skills and new behaviors.Gain advanced templates to backtrack and to meet expectations for any context or content and create long-term memory of the taught knowledge or skill.Adopt procedural processes to divide exercises step-by-step guaranteeing the participants ability to re-produce what they have learned.

Effective and motivationally engaging presentations: Opening to Transformational Movement connects you to the power of feeling and instills new heights of motivation, commitment and energy.Explore Advanced Expression to spice up your presentation and enrich any training content.

Kinesthetic Presentation &Theatre Improv: The use of the body and techniques of Theatre Improv help you make any learning content vibrant, alive and excubarant. Practice expressing dramatically using your body and your voice in ways that create emotions and touch your audience. Applying Theatre Improv is tremendous fun, brings you over threshold and makes you learn a lot about yourself. Adopt techniques tospacially anchor your stage, locally emphasize memory points and feel not only as a trainer but as an actor enacting your content in charming ways and so your audience sticks to you breathlessly.